How can I find out if my payment was received?
It's now easier than ever to get information about payments, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center website, you are able to click on 'Payment History' to view your payments. The payment history will show payments that have come through the payment center since August 1, 2003. You may also visit our Contact Us page. To request a payment history of payments received before August 1, 2003, including tax intercepts and non-monetary receipts, please call 1-877-631-9973 and select Option 2.
Who will decide how to distribute child support payments when there are multiple cases?
State and federal laws and the courts mandate how child support payments are distributed. The Child Support Enforcement Division of the Department of Health and Human Services follows these rules when determining how the child support payments are to be distributed.
What information must be included with payments sent to the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center?
Always return a payment coupon with your child support payment to ensure that you are credited properly. The coupon will include your name, address, case number, and social security number. These items are needed to ensure that your payment is credited properly to your account. You may print a payment coupon from the website if you do not have one.
How can I make sure my child support payments are processed as quickly as possible?
The fastest and easiest way to make a payment is by visiting the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center website and making your payment electronically. However, if you send your payment by mail, please make sure that you enclose your payment coupon with your child support payment.
What happens if I make payments to the Clerk of the District Court?
Payments made to your Clerk of the District Court or credited late could result in payments not being properly credited. All payments must be sent to the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center (NCSPC).
How do I report my change in employment?
You can report your change in employment by calling toll-free 1-877-631-9973, Option 2.
What is EFT and how does it work?
EFT, which stands for Electronic Funds Transfer, encompasses a range of ways to send money electronically. The Nebraska Child Support Payment Center (NCSPC) uses Automated Clearing House (ACH) to send and receive money electronically. It’s fast, easy, safe, and secure. The NCSPC can automatically debit your account for the amount you specify. If you are making your own child support payments, you can even set up a recurring schedule that will make your payments automatically. The Nebraska Child Support Payment Center provides these services free of charge, so please sign up today.
How can I make payments as a non-custodial parent?
The Nebraska Child Support Payment Center (NCSPC) offers several ways for you to make your child support payment. You can make your payment in the traditional way by sending a check, money order, or cashier's check with your payment coupon, or you can send your money electronically. By visiting the NCSPC website, you will be able to arrange for the Payment Center to automatically debit your account for the amount you specify. You can set up a recurring payment schedule to debit your account and make your payment automatically each month. You also can pay by credit card by the Internet, automated phone system, or in person at the NCSPC. A 2.49 percent surcharge is applied to each credit card payment.
What if I disagree with the amount due on my payment coupon or statement?
Please contact the Child Support Enforcement Division of the Department of Health and Human Services at 1-877-631-9973, Option 2.
I also make spousal support and medical support payments. Should these payments be sent to the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center?
Yes, if your order includes both child support and spousal support, you will be required to also send your spousal support payments to the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center. If your spousal support order does not and has never included child support, you will continue to send your payment to the Clerk of the District Court. Spousal support and child support are due on the first day of every month and begin accruing interest after 30 days.
If I lose my coupons or need extra coupons, whom should I contact?
You can access coupons here, or you can contact the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center and our Customer Service staff will be happy to assist you.